As a high-end and comfortable furniture, leather sofas are favored by consumers. However, there are also some counterfeit products on the market that look just like the real ones. In order to help consumers better identify leather sofas, this article will focus on the details and share some practical methods for identifying leather sofas.
The leather surface of a
Leather Sofa usually presents a natural texture and texture. Observing the surface of the
Sofa, the genuine leather will show some subtle textures and holes, which are naturally formed by the skin. Simulated or synthetic leather, on the other hand, is often too regular and artificial in texture.
Genuine leather has natural color and luster, and as time goes by, the color will gradually change, showing a natural aging process. If you see that the color of the sofa surface is too uniform and too bright, it may be a sign of synthetic leather or excessive surface treatment.
The edges of leather
Modern Sofa usually have slight rough edges or velvet, because the leather retains some natural fibers after being cut. On the contrary, the edges of simulated or synthetic leather are usually smoother and lack this natural rough edge.
Genuine leather has a unique natural smell because it is made from animal skin. New leather sofas often have a slight leather smell that will diminish over time. On the contrary, imitation leather or synthetic leather may have some pungent chemical smell due to the use of chemical additives.
Leather sofas usually feel softer and warmer because it is natural animal skin. Genuine leather should feel warm when you touch it lightly with your hand, while synthetic or simulated leather may feel colder.